China: new requirements for shipments | DB Group

China: new requirements for shipments

31 May 2018


We inform you that the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China has approved a new requirement valid for all the shipments towards China (Hong-Kong excluded). The new requirement states that, starting from the 1st June 2018 it will be mandatory to specify the following additional information for each shipment direct to or for transit in the Country.

Additional information about goods sent:
- HS CODE of the goods, based on the Chinese Customs Tariff (click here to find it);  
- A complete description of the goods compliant with the minimum requirements set by the Chinese General Administration of Customs (please notice that generic descriptions as "Computer", "Equipment", "Food", "Tools" etc, will not be allowed and will interrupt the clearance procedure).
Additional information about the “Shipper:
- Phone nr complete of international dialing code;
- Sender’s CCIAA or European VAT Number;
- If the Sender is a private citizen, the Passport nr must be specified.

Additional information about the “Consignee:
- Phone nr complete of international dialing code and name of the notify person at destination;
- Consignee Identification Code, an 18 digits code (USCI Code;
- If the Consignee is a private citizen, the Chinese ID Card nr must be specified.

Additional information about the Notify:
- It is mandatory to specify the name of the contact person, phone nr and China Identification Code of the Notify (USCI).

For every further information please feel free to contact our offices.
We shall inform you about any future developments.

D.B. Group

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