We inform you that with the Law nr. 207/2020 Egyptian Government approved the ACI Sistem - Advanced Cargo Information – the new customs system that will become effective on October 1st 2021, with the following objectives:
- Increasing Egyptian citizens security, protecting them against non-identified goods or goods with unknown origin;
- Decreasing the time needed for the goods to be released;
- Replacing paper documents with digital versions.
How will the procedure work?
- Every Egyptian importer shall register on www.nafeza.gov.eg portal sending data and documents of the shipment to receive a unique code of identification, named ACID (Advanced cargo Information Declaration), that the importer must communicate to the exporter. This must be done in advance with respect to import operations.
- The exporter must insert the ACID code in the invoice and all other documents related to the exportation. In case this number is missing, the goods will not be unloaded and will go back to the port of origin.
- The exporter must upload all documents on the CargoX platform (here) at least 48 hours before the goods leave the country of export. The platform uses blockchain technology and guarantees a totally secure storage of the data.
More information is available here:
Download the guide here:
ACI Guide-compresso.pdf
D.B. Group