D.B. Group widens its Chinese network: we are proud to announce the opening of a new office in Chengdu.
Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan, a province located in south-western China with a population of 82 million people.
Known in the past as the starting point of the Southern Silk Road, today the city remains one of the most important centres of economic interest in the country, being the logistic, trading, financial and technological heart of Western China.
The intense development path that the city has undertaken during the last 20 years is strongly linked to new economy frames such as the digital, scientific and technological sectors. Many western firms have significant production plants and factories in the region: this makes the capital city a central logistic intersection, thanks to its powerful infrastructure network, among which an 8,000km long railway network stands out connecting Chengdu to Europe.
Among others, the design and furniture industry is one of the leading businesses in China. As a matter of fact, it is growing so fast that some of the major players of E-commerce are investing in retail chains selling furniture and building materials, thus going out of their digital business framework. In this quickly evolving context, which represents an incredible opportunity to many manufacturers, D.B. Group is able to provide bespoke solutions for home delivery and installation of furniture, acting as a single contact point to support the whole supply chain of its customers.
E dbgroup.chengdu@dbgroup.net