Our services for automotive industry in Romania | DB Group

Our services for automotive industry in Romania

22 May 2019


Romania has been our stepping stone for international development, and today it is also a launch pad for a new range of services dedicated to the automotive industry.
Today, the offer committed to provide support to this sector is developed for the majority between Romania and China, two countries that are both production and transformation regions.

Generally, spare parts coming from China are shipped to Romania and vice-versa, for further manufacturing.
The main needs for car spare parts industry are the following: on the one hand there’s the need to speed up spare parts delivery to carmakers, to avoid bottlenecks in production lines. On the other hand, carmakers try to improve the frequency of delivery of official spare parts for substitutions to wholesalers and distributors.

Inside this scenario, challenges to be faced are multiple and include: time, customs duties and regulations, warehouse facilities location and optimization.

Thanks to our network of branch offices and facilities, at D.B. Group we have built a specific competence to grant complete flexibility and assistance in freight forwarding, logistics and customs assistance.

Our services include:
-    Critical-time delivery;
-    Last-mile delivery in more than 20 Romanian provinces;
-    Airfreight charter shipments, to avoid bottlenecks in production lines;
-    Customs consultancy and assistance;
-    Continuous flow of information between our customs and logistics teams;
-    Bonded and non-bonded facilities;
-    FTZ facilities in China;
-    Hand-carry service, for goods that require special care.

At D.B. Group we provide solutions, partnering with you to face challenges and transform them in opportunities.
For more information, feel free to contact our local team db-group.ro@dbgroup.net
D.B. Group

Services automotive industry

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