*Update March 2019* - USA to impose new tariffs on a list of goods with origin China | DB Group

*Update March 2019* - USA to impose new tariffs on a list of goods with origin China

06 March 2019

With respect to the previous communication issued during the month of December 2018, we inform you that the duty rate imposed by USA Government on the goods covered by the September 21, 2018 Federal Register notice (a list of articles with origin China) will remain at 10 percent until further notice.
The Section 301 duties currently only apply to products of China, and are based on the country of origin, not country of export.

Here you can download the full list Full Tariff List_09.17.18.pdf

We shall keep you informed about further developments.
For every inquiry, our customs consultancy team is at your complete disposal.
Please contact us at customs.consultancy@dbgroup.net

D.B. Group

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